Thursday, April 26, 2007

Arabian Nights

It's funny when I tell people that I have been in Africa.

"Really?! Which country have you been to?" they ask.


"Isn't that in the Middle East?"

Our perception of Africa is dark-skinned people in tribal nations hunting lions or zebras. I always have to clarify, "Yes. Morocco is on the North-west side of Africa. It is a mixture of Arabic people and Berbers."

I laughed at their ignorance until I realized my own.I fantasized Morocco to be like Arabian nights or something straight out of Aladdin. So when I was actually there and realized there was no square filled with flame-swallowing, snake charming, gypsy like people, I was disappointed.

Ok Ok. I should have actually read up on more stuff before I actually booked the trip. I was very ignorant on the culture but at the very least, I learned alot. This is one important lesson I learned, adding salt to dishes does wonders for flavor.

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