Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Top Chef Fabio

I got a call from Andrew this morning.

A: "Hello. There is someone who wants to talk to you"
Me: "Ok...."
Fabio: "Hello! ......You might not like it but I took a picture with Andrew.......sitting on my lap..........he's a good guy..........give him a big kiss tonight............ok bye....."

Sorry guys, I can't remember half the things that were said. He speaks very fast. Must be the Italian in him.

It made my day. Thanks Yap for having Fabio talk to me today!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Last Six Weeks

Guys, it's been a tough last six weeks. From rocky roads of friendship to finding out we almost had to find an alternate ceremony for the wedding (with six weeks to go) to my poor dog having sciatica (on three different types of medication and reduced activity), last night I wanted to bury my head in a pillow and not move until the wedding.

Somehow, you keep going with everything that goes on because in reality it's not that bad. Honestly, I know it's not.

It's just hard when you can't catch a break in awhile but you have something really amazing to look forward to in the upcoming weeks. It just seems so far away still.

I am lucky, though, and I don't forget it. I met the man of my dreams and I get to marry him in a few weeks. How many people get to say that?