Sunday, May 13, 2007

Double Whammy Entry

Last weekend, I went with Yap to his hockey tourny up in Lake Tahoe. His team rented out a house right on the Lake. Huge house decorated with fake animals and hideous trinkets, it really had a cabin-like feel. Seriously, I don't understand it but that's okay. Here is the view:

So, if you really want to know what one does in Lake Tahoe for a hockey tournament, it's pretty much hockey. I woke up went to the house, watched hockey movies. After that, it was watching the hockey game. Then, it was back to the house to watch the NHL playoffs. Then, it was off to bed. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

This weekend was beach weekend, then recovering from beach weekend.

We went to China beach and of course as all beach bbq's go, it ended in playing two hand touch football. I exercised some muscles I have never exercised before. So the next day was limping around trying hard not to laugh or move much so that my muscles don't send me pain signals for over-exercising. I still have my gym membership that I haven't used in over a year. Please do not make me think about how much money I could have saved if I didn't have a gym membership...

1 comment:

Andrew Yap said...

Look, get tough. We were all there! You love two hand touch football. And as for the hockey tournament, hockey is the best ever. You love it...too.