Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Evites are evil

So I received an evite recently. Now unless I know I am going for sure I try not to open these things because I don't want to get yelled at for viewing them and then not responding. But I got this evite and I didn't recognize any of the names. So I wanted to see who I recognized on the evite or if they just happen to make a mistake?

A name like mine, its not easy to make a mistake, so I knew it had to be first choice.

So I open up the evite and I scroll down the list of names who said "Woo Wee I'll see you at the bobbycue shoog! *mwa* (42)" [which = yes].

Some of the names started to sound familiar as I kept scrolling down. I clicked on the names with profiles. EGADS! They went to the same High School as me! All the Asian fools I kinda hung around in the beginning of High School but then I realized I didn't fit in with them.....they were quite religious and quite Asian at that. I listened to Smashing Pumpkins, they listened to DC Talk. I watched Simpsons. They went to Friday Night Bible Study. The list can go on and on...........

Anyways, I realized my High School classmates are going to haunt me where ever I decide to go. I work with a former classmate currently. We accidentally discovered we went to the same school. Actually, no that's not true. I recognized her name and consulted the only five people I still keep in touch with, if she indeed went to my High School. She did.

So what the ...... I mean its not like I hated High School but at the same time I wouldn't go back if you paid me. It was a time in my life that needed to happen so I can be where I am at now, yaddy yaddy ya. Bullshit. Whatever. It's over and I like it to remain that way.

I have contemplated going to the High School reunion coming up because I was curious what people were up to. But the powers of the Internet and damn My Space has allowed me to find that all out without the painful conversations one has at stupid Ten Year Reunions anyways.

Anyways, which brings me back to this damn Evite. My old co-worker (at the slave factory) sent me the evite and it feels like a punch in the stomach of nauseated, nostalgic feelings. I opened it up and found myself transported back into the mid-90s for a brief second. Blech.

I mean seriously that is so 1999.


Bushra said...

I haven't liked Evites since the time my sister changed what I wrote. Not cool.

Viv said...
