Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oakland Marathon 2011

Judy, Men Jyn, and I ran the Oakland Half-Marathon on Sunday, March 27th. The day was perfect. It was overcast with no rain. Only one stretch had a bit of sun. Trust me when you run for a LONG time, you don't want to run with the sun beating down on you.

According to the website, we ran it in 3 hours and 5 minutes. I think it was a little bit under 3 hours but whatever.

Miles 1-10: I felt great. On top of the world. Cheering everyone. High fiving firemen and guys in gorilla suits. Running forwards and backwards. I was a champ.
Half way into Mile 11: Pit stop into the port-a-potty. Starting to feel tired.
Miles 11-12: Running around Lake Merritt. Really really really really tired. Mentally beating myself up for wasting energy in miles 1-10.
Mile 12-13: WHY????????????????????????
Mile 13.1: I see the end, run faster. Why can't I get to the finish line right now. Finish Line: YES. Get me fat food and to bed NOW.

I am proud of us all finishing together and in a timely manner. The next two days I feel like a 100 year old woman. BLAST stairs!


ewo said...

nice job ladies!!

Bushra said...

Congrats! You are my herione! And by "heroine" I mean "lady hero". I don't want to shoot you up and listen to jazz;)