Ever since I was very young I have loved Michael Jackson. Actually, his name was the first thing I could spell. I would bounce around on my bed and spell "M-I-C-H-A-E-L J-A-C-K-S-O-N."
I would dance around to all his songs and tell my parents' friends that one day I was going to marry him. Of course this happened to be in the 80's when he was on top of the world. He was the Superstar.
As I grew older and weird accounts of Michael began to surface it really saddened me of what he had become. He really was an alien from another planet. How can he relate to anyone, no one has achieved what he has achieved.
Since his passing, I'd only like to remember the good things about Michael. From 1990 and earlier. He was a great part of my childhood and I feel like that's gone now.
Goodbye Michael. I hope you find your peace.
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