Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gchat Status Message Fun

I can't say how it all started but a few Gchat friends and I started putting up 30 Rock quotes as our status messages. It's been fun.

Here they are:

me: ''Werewolf bar mitzvah, spooky scary. Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves.'' - Tracy Jordan

Vivian: I wolfed my Teamster sub for you!

Bushra: Where are the fries I did not ask for? You have to anticipate me!

Jonathan: Affirmative action was designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other to distract us while white dudes inject AIDS into our chicken nuggets. That's a metaphor!

Vivian again: I'm just going through the classic stages of grief: fear, denial, horniness, wisdom, sleepiness and now depression

Ok so Bushra told me this is how it all started:

Bushra: actually, if you REALLY want to know how it twitter update yesterday: "The contractors and I have to choose a place for mgmt to take us out to lunch w/team. Wondering if there's a sit-down Quizno's in Oakland..." Then Vivian's reply: "@bushra_b Hahaha! Or go to the corner store and ask them to pay for you bag of Sabor de Soledad!"Then me again: "@Viv_C I just can't stop eating that stuff..."Then vivian again: "@bushra_b"And that, my friends, is how I found out about all the shirts with quotes on themThank you, thank you, * taking a bow *


Bushra said...

It's the little things like these that liven up the day and make sitting in a cubicle more bearable.

Andrew Yap said...

All I have to say:

yeah...but it's so much easier to steal shoes in florida. more natural disasters and convicts and alabama

Andrew Yap said...

All I have to say:
yeah...but it's so much easier to steal shoes in florida. more natural disasters and convicts and alabama.