Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vulcans - not the Roman kind

So Caffeinated Muslim wrote about she made a reference to Vulcans (well a specific Vulcan) and her friends (who by the way are not geeky) did not know what a Vulcan is.

--- If you want the whole bit of what a Vulcan is please refer here: Vulcan Wiki page - It's not the best, but it's the easiest to get the idea of it.

Anyways, so I wanted to put this out to my fellow co-workers.

What is a Vulcan?

I got:

- why don't you Wikipedia it?
- Toucan Sam?
- something from Star Trek? (Which I would like to let you know that person cheated.)

Oh and my friend Lam first guessed it was a god of a religion. Which she is correct. (Roman Mythology - Vulcan)

Anyways I digress, Bushra really put it right that you can't assume people know about Star Trek.

I didn't know that Vulcan was also a Roman god. (There are too many Greek/Roman gods for me to remember and this is why I would never be good with a polytheistic religion.) And there are people out there that don't care for Star Trek. And there are people that don't care for either. (see all my co-workers).

So I guess it comes down to what kind of geek are you?
(apparently none of my co-workers are any kind of geeky. sigh.)

1 comment:

Bushra said...

The funny part is that you set out to prove that most people can tell you what a Vulcan is, the Star Trek kind anyways.