Friday, May 23, 2008

I Am A Stabbing Robot

So recently, I've been addicted to the show '30 Rock.' I haven't been getting much sleep because I've been watching season one on dvd. See this is why I don't watch shows via dvd. I end up watching the whole season in a day and I end up feeling like a zombie the next day because I didn't sleep. In lieu of sleep, I watched 30 Rock.

Anyways, it's great writing, a great cast, and all around quirky. The cast isn't young and beautiful, they are all off-beat and have impeccable delivery.

Some of the best lines I've heard ever are from Tracy Morgan's character Tracy Jordan.

"Live every week like it's shark week."

"I am a stabbing robot."

"I love this cornbread so much, I want to take it behind a middle school, and get it pregnant

"Always dress like you're going to be murdered in those clothes."
Those are some of my faves.

If you haven't seen it, I don't want to give more away so I'll just say watch it. It's one of my new favorite shows on TV.

Oh, how I heart you TV. [hugs]


Andrew Yap said...

that's funny. I can't wait to watch it when I'm back.

tanya said...

I like Kenneth.
I'm a real good sex person. I do it all the different ways.

and Dr. Spaceman too!