Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DS: Breakfast at Tiffany's

I should be working right now. I know I should be but I can't help posting this up.

One of my favorite movies was the inspiration to one of my favorite websites.

Design Sponge does Breakfast at Tiffany's

I want the mask. I always thought that was the cutest mask. HOWEVER, I probably need the earplugs more. Yap is quite vocal (nasal?) in his sleep.

This just reminds me of the good old college days when my roommate and I messed with everyone in our dorm and told them our names were "-----" (oh man I forgot!) and "Holly" (after Holly Golightly of course)

One summer in high school, I watched so many Audrey Hepburn movies that I pronounced my "P"s exactly like her.

Who wouldn't want to be like Audrey??!!


Bushra said...

Good question - who wouldn't want to be like Audrey?!

Monica said...

Why don't you dress as Holly for Halloween this year; it seems like an easy costume to put together. If Dave and I end up celebrating, we're going to dress as Han Solo (get it?!) and Chewie (get it?! j/k there's no pun here).

Monica Roy said...

Why don't you dress as Holly for Halloween this year; it seems like an easy costume to put together. If Dave and I end up celebrating, we're going to dress as Han Solo (get it?!) and Chewie (get it?! j/k there's no pun here).