Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009

So its 1 hour from the beginning of 2010. I am on ET folks. (Sorry west coasters, you got a few hours to go)

Watching the Carson Daly countdown on TV. Decided this NYE, it would be low key.Hair is performing right now.

Yap and I made his parents dinner. Salmon with Maple Syrup and Soy Sauce Glaze & risotto. Yesterday, Jen, Kimi, and I made Maple syrup bread pudding---this was delicious.

So for 2009, I started the year still with Yap, still at Bebe.
Eva and Enson had a baby named Sophie
Dryw turned 30
Lam and Alan had baby named Kami
Went to Egypt and Greece with Tony and Menjyn and Yap
Jon bought a beautiful house
Hayley and Ryan bought a house in the city
Went to Vegas with Judy, Heidy, Sue Ping, and Monobot (first timer)
Went to Canada to see Jade and Jaclyn get married and see Yap's family
Went to Vegas for Stacy's Bachelorette party
Stacy and Chris got married
Went to Seattle and visited Erica
Jenny and York got married
Went to Canada to spend the holidays with the Yap family

I am ending the year, still with Yap and still at Bebe.

Next year,

Yap turns 30 (so will Shyam!)
Hayley and Ryan will have a baby
Jen will get married
Rahul will get married
& so will Steve

In 2010, I resolve to do more things. Not necessarily travel to more places but do more things at home and be more active. I feel like I spent half my year on the couch watching TV which is not necessarily a bad thing ;)

1 comment:

The Bot said...

What up with the blogging blitz? Keep 'em comin'! (I am reading your entries reverse chronologically, btw).