Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm alive

So it's Christmas Eve and this year I decided to tear into my christmas presents early. I am going back to my parent's house this year for Christmas and I don't want to be lugging stuff around more than I need.

Anyways, this year I got a French press from Yap's brother and a coffee grinder from his aunt. Now, the pound of Jamaican coffee beans sitting in my fridge will be mine!!!! (evil laugh ensues)

I was thinking, though, I was going to whiten my teeth after the holidays, I got a little kit at home and it has a lightening flash to make the teeth whiter. All the coffee drinking has darkened my teeth a bit and it makes me sad.

I dunno, I dunno I think I might just have to drink my Jamaican coffee and forgo the teeth whitening until a later time.

Jitteriness here I come!


Bushra said...

Me Want Jamaican Coffee!!

Andrew Yap said...

what else did you get for Christmas?