Friday, September 21, 2007

Fall TV Shows

So I was listening to the radio and they were talking about their list of shows they were most looking forward to...

Here is mine:

1) Project Runway ( seriously, it's been too freakin long...)
2) The Office
3) Heroes
4) Lost

Ok, the TV show that I used to love watching is 24, I auf'd it because last season was terrible.

Anyways, I <3 Tim Gunn.


Bushra said...

1. The Office
2. Battlestar Galactica*
3. Heroes
4. Lost*

Honorable Mentions:
Ugly Betty
How I Met Your Mother

*Please note that the asteriked shows will not return until January but I felt inclined to include them here anyways.

s-fizzle said...

Haha I totally need to watch Battlestar Galactica.....

That's on my list of shows to check out. That and How I met your mother.


tanya said...


the office
gossip girl (I love me some entertaining trashy teen soaps, especially when it's basically the oc again but in nyc)
